Women's Ministry

To be a part of a Women’s Ministry that has been born of such a rich heritage of faith is indeed a blessing. The wisdom and the examples that have been set by Kay Smith, and Rosemary and Shannon Gallatin are treasures the Lord has gifted to us. It is our desire that we, the women of Calvary Chapel of the Finger Lakes, continue following the standards set before us, endeavoring to join together to know our Lord and Savior more intimately, and to grow in His love and grace. May we be seen as the King’s Daughters – all glorious within, bringing all honor to His name!
Here are some ways to be involved:
We now have in-person prayer at the church, as well as an on-line platform, both with the purpose of seeking the Lord’s guidance and blessings for Calvary Chapel of the Finger Lakes. Both prayer meetings take place on Tuesdays, from 9 to 10 AM. Any questions may be directed to the church office.
Piecemaker’s Quilters is comprised of a wonderful group of gifted ladies with hearts for ministering to others. If you have an interest in quilting, please consider joining them as they make baby quilts for mothers who choose life through Care Net Wayne County in Newark and Caring Choices Pregnancy Help Center in Rochester. Some sewing skills are required. They meet on Fridays from 9:30 – 1 :30 at the church. Please contact Mary Lou Walton through the church office at 585-398-3550 with any questions.
To keep us growing closer to the Lord, and to one another, we are excited to announce that we will be having a Women’s Bible Study for all women ages 14 and up. We will meet every other Monday, beginning October 7th at 6:30 pm. The cost will be $10, payable at sign-up in The Chapel Store.
We also are praying about outreach events so we can serve as the Lord’s hands of love to those around us. In addition, we are considering retreats and similar events for our fellowship.
22-23 Taming the Giants
The first link is to the video of the lesson, and the “Study” link below is the corresponding study PDF.
Lesson 1 Disarming Discouragement
Lesson 2 Fighting the Giant of Fear
Lesson 3 Taming Your Temptation
Lesson 4 Guarding Against Guilt
Lesson 7 Journey Beyond Jealousy
Lesson 8 Winning Against Worry
2021-2022 The Women of the Bible
Women of the Bible Introduction
Mary & Martha Lesson 6 – This lesson does not have a video.
2020-2021 Daniel Study
Lesson 1: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 1:1-31
Lesson 2: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 2:1-30
Lesson 3: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 2:31-45
Lesson 4: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 3:1-30
Lesson 5: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 4:1-37
Lesson 6: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 5:1-31
Lesson 7: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 6:1-28
Lesson 8: Special Study on Prayer
Lesson 9: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 7:15-28 Part B
Lesson 10: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 8:1-27
Lesson 11: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 9:1-19
Lesson 12: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 9:20-27
Lesson 13: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 10:1-21
Lesson 14: Daniel: Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 11:1-12:1
2018-19 Women's Bible Study - Joshua
To hear the audio, click here
2016-17 Women's Bible Study Lessons - Not Your Average Joes
Click on the links below for the study guides. To hear the audio, click here.
The Gospel of Mark - Heart of a Servant
Click on the links below for the study guides. To hear the audio, click here.
Lesson 14 – Mark part 1
Lesson 14 – Mark part 2
Gospel of John Study
Click on the links below for the Study Guides for the Gospel of John Inductive Study. To hear the audio, click here