What is conviction? It is moral certainty that moves a person to want to behave a particular way. It is being truly convinced that something is right, then acting according to that belief. A great Biblical illustration can be seen in John 8 when stone-throwing Pharisees became so personally convicted by Jesus’ words that they changed their behavior and not one rock was thrown. Strong convictions have moved saints of all ages to do such things as deny their own safety and security to minister to people with contagious diseases, or give to those with financial needs, even to share the gospel of Christ in dangerous and adversarial circumstances. Conviction always calls for some measure of self-denial which is frightfully unpopular in the modern church.
The Holy Spirit is moving our church body to seek greater conviction in the specific area of personal holiness, the kind of holiness that leaves no room for fleshy compromise, the kind of holiness that is consistent with the righteousness of Christ which clothes us and allows us to stand in God’s presence and feel no shame because we are living at the level He has called us to.
In the next segment we will look at where conviction comes from? Meanwhile, begin to pray for our fast and the work of God in our hearts.