As I sit here in the early hours of the morning I can’t help but think back to all the amazing people I have had the privilege of serving with. As we prepare once again for our annual clean-up day I remember how parents, children, young and not so young come together to beautify the place that God has so wonderfully provided for us. The laughter and the fellowship of working side by side is such a blessing.
Then it makes me ponder how the many groups from Calvary Chapel have touched so many lives, like the children of Calvary Chapel Christian School visiting the nursing homes or the Calvary Choir blessing so many at the hospitals and elderly care centers or even the Calvary Chapel School of Ministry each Friday going out to various locations to serve our wonderful community.
Then, to think of, serving at Answers in Genesis in Kentucky or at the “Castle” (Life Ministries) in Franklin, PA. With such a long time association with the Tygerts and how Calvary Chapel of the Finger Lakes has partnered with them in so many projects over the years and once again as we prepare to take a team the week of May 31st to June 4th to assist with some needed repairs. How it blesses my heart and I know it blesses our Heavenly Father as again the men, women and children of all ages work side by side serving Jesus.
Then I think of all the teams that have traveled and continue to travel to many foreign lands with teams; Russia, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Israel, Haiti and even the jungles of Peru. I am always in awe of a group of people, may I say a family that loves to take the scripture literally.
As Acts 1:8 says, Witness in Jerusalem (our home at CCFL), Judea (our local community), Samaria (outreaches – to the Castle, Answers in Genesis, serving in Mississippi, Katrina, or even NY) and the uttermost parts of the earth (all the countries that our family at CCFL has touched through the years). That, my friends is the heart of Calvary Chapel of the Finger Lakes. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be a part.
Pastor Tony